The difference between polarization maintaining fiber and single mode fiber
Publish:Box Optronics  Time:2023-11-09  Views:362
1、 The Concept of Polarization Maintaining Fiber and Single Mode Fiber:
Polarisationserhaltende Faser bezieht sich auf die Übertragung von Licht in einem festen Polarisationszustand in der Faser, so dass Sie die Polarisationsrichtung des Ausgangslichts klar erkennen können. Im Allgemeinen erfüllen polarisationserhaltende Fasern die Bedingungen von Singlemode-Fasern, und die Aufrechterhaltung der Polarisation hat nur die zusätzliche Funktion, die Polarisation durch Steuerung der Doppelbrechung auf der Grundlage von Singlemode-Fasern zu steuern.
A single mode fiber allows only one transverse mode to be distributed in the light, resulting in an approximate Gaussian distribution when emitted. Single mode fiber has a very small core diameter, usually below 10 microns, in order to limit the transverse mode. The shorter the wavelength, the smaller the required core diameter, so the single mode nominal value must be smaller than the wavelength you want to transmit.
2、 Structure and Characteristics of Polarization Maintaining Fibers and Single Mode Fibers
The structure of polarization maintaining fiber is different from that of ordinary single mode fiber. Its core layer is an irregularly shaped waveguide unit, which can ensure that the transmission direction of linearly polarized light in the fiber is consistent with the main axis direction of the waveguide unit, thereby maintaining the linearly polarized state of the optical signal. The core layer of a single mode fiber is a small glass rod (usually 8-10 microns in diameter), and the outer layer of the fiber is made of insulating material, which can effectively suppress multimode interference. In contrast, the structure of polarization maintaining fibers is more complex and the manufacturing cost is also higher.
3、 Different applicable scenarios
Polarization maintaining fibers are mainly used in fields that require maintaining the linear polarization state of optical signals, such as precision measurement, optical path detection, etc; The application of single-mode optical fibers is more extensive, widely used in high-speed optical communication, optical sensing and other fields.
Overall, although single mode fibers and polarization maintaining fibers are important devices in the field of optical communication, their structures and characteristics are different, and their application scenarios are also different. When choosing to use, it is necessary to make choices based on specific needs to achieve the best transmission effect